Statement from the Association of Victims of Chemical Weapons

This path has been the result of Syrian national efforts in collaboration with the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression, along with partner organizations. It brought together the courage and will of survivors and witnesses along with expertise in documentation and human rights, taking advantage of the principle of judicial jurisdiction outside the region concerning war crimes and crimes against humanity in the French judicial system.

No one survived…

It was something pulling me upstairs and urging me to continue to the rooftop. Indeed, I climbed up and lost consciousness upon reaching. I woke up the next day to the sound of slaps on my face from the medical point and a voice asking, ‘Are you alive? Are you alive?

Commemorating the tenth anniversary of the victims of the chemical massacre in Idlib

Syrian activists in the city of Idlib held a solidarity stand on the tenth anniversary of the chemical massacre committed by the Syrian regime in the Eastern and Western Ghouta on August 21, 2013. The stand aimed to honour and commemorate the victims, emphasizing the importance of achieving justice and accountability to prevent the repetition of such inhumane crimes.

Press Release

A delegation from the Syrian civil society visited Kyiv to participate in a series of official meetings with high-level officers and leaders from the Ukrainian civil society