Commemorating the tenth anniversary of the victims of the chemical massacre in Idlib

Syrian activists in the city of Idlib held a solidarity stand on the tenth anniversary of the chemical massacre committed by the Syrian regime in the Eastern and Western Ghouta on August 21, 2013. The stand aimed to honour and commemorate the victims, emphasizing the importance of achieving justice and accountability to prevent the repetition of such inhumane crimes.

Side of the solidarity stand was held by Syrian activists in the city of Idlib, commemorating the tenth anniversary of the chemical massacre committed by the Syrian regime in the Eastern and Western Ghouta on August 21, 2013. This was honour and commemorate the victims, emphasizing the importance of achieving justice and accountability to to prevent the repetition of such inhumane crimes. The stand took place in the national park in Idlib, organized by the Syrian Civil Defence, “the White Helmets.


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